Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Jamie Shupak is becoming quite the media maven these days. Between the New York Observer Media Power Bachelorette list, a Daily News print profile, the dating column she writes for Complex Magazine and her near-constant Twitter feed, she is rapidly building a brand as a high-profile single gal about town. (There is also this, which she presumably did not cooperate with.)

Now the New York Times has joined the party (six months late as usual) with a good profile of Shupak. I didn't feel like there was much about her persona that I didn't already know, but the Times makes up for being late by digging a little deeper. There are some fun nuggets (she wanted to be a hard news reporter but her dreams were dashed when she realized she couldn't stop smiling on camera; her multi-year relationship ended badly, though how is a bit he said/she said, or so the Times reports).

Anyway, I suspect she won't be able to play the single gal angle for too long, so it'll be interesting to see how she plays it and how the fans react once she's in a serious relationship again.